Great British Pub Card is the leading pub gift card that can be redeemed against food, drink or accommodation in over 1,700 locations nationwide. Including brands such as Chef & Brewer, Loch Fyne, Flaming Grill, Hungry Horse and many others. The Great British Pub card is also available to purchase as a digital code, it's flexible and offers a vast choice of food, drink or dining opportunities. Perfect for celebrating those special times with family, catching-up with friends or meeting with colleagues.
Where can I spend my Great British Pub Card?
You can spend your Great British Pub Card in any of the following brands. Greene King Pubs, Chef & Brewer, Flaming Grill, Hungry Horse, Farmhouse Inns, Metropolitan Pub Company, Loch Fyne, Belhavenand Wacky Warehouse
Click HERE to find your nearest pub or restaurant.
Does my Great British Pub Card have an expiry date?
Yes. Great British Gift Cards are valid for 12 months and all value uploaded to your Gift Card will expire 12 Months from activation.
Please note: To activate and upload money onto your Gift Card, you must be aged 18 or over and a resident in the UK. The Gift Card can be used by UK residents aged 14 or over, but the purchase of certain products and services are subject to age requirements specified by law. Please follow this link for full Terms & Conditions
Alternative Gift Ideas
Leisure Vouchers - The ideal leisure voucher accepted in thousands of outlets throughout the UK.